"Her healings are like magic… It's like she has a wand attached to her hand…When she waves it at you, you know something profound is happening."
Jaime Durand, MA
"I was having a difficult time in my life and didn’t know where to turn...
Ellie has forever changed my life. During my sessions, she intuitively clarifies my issues then heals them. I spent years suffering from depression.
She healed my depression in as little as several phone sessions.
The healing energy Ellie sends is the most beautiful, relaxing and tranquil feeling I have ever experienced. She has smoothed out the rough edges in my life and I feel whole again. I can’t thank her enough for all the healing she has given me and find it amazing that she can do all this long distance.
I highly recommend Ellie for any issues you might be having. She has an uncanny ability to intuit and heal whatever difficulties you are experiencing. I have thrown many problems her way and Ellie has resolved them all.
If you want inner peace and resolution, call Ellie, she has the power to heal and the light to defeat the darkness."
~Laura Westlake, New York
Success healing emotional issues including:
Emotional issues I have healed for clients. Watch testimonials below.
Sexual abuse
Broken heart
Difficult relationships (employers, spouses, siblings, friends...)
Low self-esteem
Road rage
Financial blocks
Career blocks
And more...
20241218 Leena Family Testimonial

20241218 Leena Family Testimonial
Effective Demon Removal plus Emotional Issues Healed for Good by Ellie Pechet, Metaphysician by phone, skype, zoom

Eric's Grief and physical conditions healed remotely
Written testimonials for emotional issues:
"I first met Ellie Pechet when she came to Rowe Camp and Conference Center to do a demonstration of her healing techniques. She is able to perform miraculous healings that are effective almost immediately and continue to work once the process has been completed. As a long-time student of energy healing myself, I am completely amazed at her ability to do this. There are tangible, noticeable differences in the energy she uses in a Yuen Healing versus a Reiki healing and she is able to switch modalities in a matter of minutes."
~ Jamie Durand, Shamballah Healer
"Ellie worked with me for over an hour and I left her office 100% lighter, happier and much more clear concerning my part in this family drama than when I had arrived. I left her office healed of the emotional pain that had me bound be to the situation. The situation hadn't changed but I sure had! For me, it felt like nothing short of a miracle."
~ Jayne Billings, Co-owner, Chiron Promotions Whole Body & Spirit Expos
"I feel helped on a higher level. I feel prosperous. My practice has literally exploded! The work you do is priceless.” ~ Sharon Davis, Psychotherapist, Santa Rosa, CA
"So glad to have met you at the retreat! My whole life I had a problem concerning money. As soon as I received any amount, it would be gone - I had this uncontrollable urge to get rid of it. Sometimes this would get me into financial problems. Before I came to the retreat I was upset and sad that it had just happened again. Somehow I knew this was a past life problem and decided to come to you.
Since my session, I no longer feel sad or guilty about finances. I have a clear perception about what needs to be done financially and feel confident when it comes to spending and budgeting. What a relief! Many thanks again!"
~ Diana Kelley, Denver, CO
"My stomach is gurgling. I can't stop smiling. I no longer feel oppressed about money!
I feel energized, lighter and joyful!"
~ Polly Tarbell, Software Engineer, Maryland
"I knew how heavy-hearted my husband had been and it was so long that he had been feeling lousy. Ellie used her intuitive energy healing ability with him and after just his first session with Ellie, he came home a completely different person. It was great! We went out last night and we laughed together for the first time in a long time.
Ellie, you are a Godsend!"
~ Maureen Gordon
"The healing work with Ellie is an amazing process and she works really quickly. It has only been about 5 weeks that I have been going to her, yet, my life is so different now. I feel a lot more confident and strong and able to handle situations that come up better. My thinking is a lot clearer now and I am a victim no longer!"
~ Arnette Peccini
"I discovered Ellie in an article in the Cape Cod Times just when I needed a "midwife" to help me through a major transition. Ellie is a wise strong and gifted healer with a wide range of modalities. She has an almost magical focused energy that can transform one's heart, remove the curse of a life-long "presence" and long-lost native joy. I feel blessed that I discovered Ellie when I did; I'm not sure I could have made this transition without her."
~ Anne Bourne, Falmouth MA
"I am writing to tell you how appreciative I am for your help in dealing with my stage fright. The intuitive energy healing work session I had with you miraculously helped shift that energy. My recent Las Vegas presentation was amazingly stress free and it was by far the largest audience I have ever given a presentation to.
Thank you again for this gift."
~ Jayne Pelossi, Interior Designer
"I could feel the energy moving in my body and when we were finished I can honestly say that years of guilt and sadness had been miraculously lifted away. Weeks later the feeling of relief is as strong as it was initially."
~ Lynda Schneider
"Before my healing session with Ellie Pechet I was feeling down and confused; still feeling the effects of a recent divorce. I was especially impressed with Ellie's ability to accurately diagnose the size and stage of a fibrous tumor that I was receiving medical treatment for. As a result of my healing session I felt an overall sense of
well being and inner peace."
~ G. Regan, Food Service Manager
"My whole life I felt tense, anxious and unable to focus. After just 2 sessions of Ellie doing her intuitive energy healing work with me, I feel free of the guilt and anxiety that have always plagued me. This is especially true in regards to issues with my Mother that I had been unsuccessful at resolving until I came to see Ellie. I highly recommend her for Counseling and her intuitive energy healing work. "
~ Kim Hahn
"I feel like I have had an awakening. Her intuitive energy healing is amazing. Though we only focused on one thing, it has already affected so many areas of my daily life. I feel gentler and a lot less reactive, especially with my family. Thank you Ellie!"
~ Michelle Gordon, Intuitive Readings and Sessions
"Thank you seems such an insufficient way to convey how grateful I am. From that first desperate phone call, your insight has amazed me. What I thought was a problem, we discovered was merely a symptom. I've learned to pay attention to how I feel, and to use that in my daily life to stay comfortable with myself. To use one of my favorite analogies, I still sometimes feel like the guy in the rowboat without a paddle, but at least now I know I can swim."
~ Kevin Geary

Diagnosed with a Lump in Her Breast - then Georgia Met Ellie Pechet

Ellie saves the (wedding) day!

Ellie to the rescue!

#Cancer - Remote Healing Helping@ThePhoenixrisingheal
Success healing physical conditions such as:
Heart problems
Effects of chemotherapy
Chronic pain
Digestive issues, IBS,
upset stomach
Back and neck pain
Wrist pain
Lyme's Disease
...and more!
Written Testimonials for Physical Symptoms & Conditions:
"My ears had been blocked for months, causing me great discomfort. In one of our sessions, Ellie gave me lasting relief from this condition. Even more important, I found Ellie's intuitive read of my personal situation very powerful and helpful over the long-term. Ellie has a special gift. I would highly recommend her to anyone for her intuitive counseling and hands on energy work."
~ Donna Rigolizzo, M.D. Psychiatrist
"I highly recommend Ellie's work. With my lower back, I could feel the pain being drawn away from my body. Miraculous!"~ Sylvia Gay, Certified Hypnotherapist
"Ellie worked on my knee injury and relieved it of irritation and swelling. She was also helpful in putting the injury into a new perspective which moved it from an annoyance to a life learning event."
~ Linda Lawless, Psychotherapist and Owner of Lawless & Company
"As a result of our first session, the swelling in my arm is substantially less and I have been feeling almost no pain in the area you worked on! After our session, I also felt much calmer at work and have been feeling really good over all. "
~ Donna Chambers
"Ellie's treatment of a knee injury not only eased pain and expedited recovery it was good for the soul! My knee was pain free when I left her office after one of my sessions, and I have always left her office with a tangible feeling of well being and substantially increased energy level. It has been a great uplifting, well worth trying experience!"
~ Anthony Cataldo, President Photronic Devices
"I felt the chronic tension in my neck and shoulders melt away. Ellie has really helped my family. My partner had been suffering from depression for several months and the medications she was prescribed weren't working and had unpleasant side effects. Ellie was able to clear her for depression in one session. This was five or six months ago and she has not had a re-occurrence. In a subsequent session, using her intuitive abilities along with her counseling skills Ellie resolved her insomnia and she has been sleeping soundly through the night! Ellie also worked with my partner on her long term lack of clarity about career. She now has a plan that feels right and that she is excited about.
I have gone to Ellie for issues that seemed to be "Hard Wired" into me. Talk therapy alone wasn't undoing what I was experiencing. After a session, the fear I hadn't been able to shake suddenly lifted. Recently, she cleared me for my fear of being seen making a mistake. To my surprise I became giddy during my session and was left with the lightness of no longer being afraid.
Ellie also cleared my 5-year-old daughter of anger that she had since she was a baby. She worked on her long-distance (while Jasmine was sleeping) and she has not had a tantrum since the session. She gets mad at times, but it's reasonable and passes quickly. I am grateful to Ellie for her intuitiveness as a counselor and especially her skill with this technique that has helped my family and me so much. I highly recommend Ellie's intuitive energy healing!”
~ Susan Galereave, Northampton, MA
"This past week I made a phone appointment with Ellie because I had hurt my back and could not drive to her office. I had been flat on my back for 2 days, and was sitting in quite a bit of pain. I had to cancel all of my piano students for that day and although I had been to my chiropractor, I was still in a lot of pain and my mobility was severely restricted.This was my first distance healing appointment with Ellie and I did not know what to expect. I was astonished when only a couple of minutes into our conversation, my back began to feel better!
Ellie healed me over the phone. By the end of appointment with her, I was doing remarkably better. The next day, I was able to drive to the grocery store and resume all of my other activities. I was very excited because although I have had similar bouts of back pain over the last 10 years, I have never recovered as quickly as the day she worked on me over the phone. Thank you!"
~ Michelle Gordon, Mattapoisett, MA
"The Reiki work you did on my gluteus maximus was really effective. I'm so amazed. There is practically no pain there now. I've never experienced anything like this before!”
~ Valerie Brady, Nursing Student
"The energy work we do completely relaxes me. I have not had a sleepless night since I have been seeing Ellie ."
~ Jessica Kimball, X-Ray Technician
"I have asthma and chronic bronchitis and had suffered a bout of pneumonia this past winter. At the time of the Reiki clinic, a common cold had turned into another raging respiratory infection, which I was still battling despite 2 rounds of antibiotics. Even though the Reiki session was only 20 minutes, by the next day my respiratory infection and constant coughing had cleared up. My hiatal hernia has not bothered me since."
~ Janice Afonso
“After I finished chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation, I was left feeling joyous, but fatigued and in pain. As Ellie started to do her intuitive energy healing with me in our session, I began to feel a lightness within me, like burdens were being lifted. Gradually, my whole body felt rejuvenated and I noticed increased clarity in my thoughts and most of all no pain! It is now several weeks later and these feelings have continued to last. Following cancer treatment I expected pain, fatigue and depression. Thanks to Ellie and her skill at spiritual and metaphysical healing,
I feel more rejuvenated than I could ever imagine."
~ Pansy Brown, Social Worker
"The Yuen Method helped me heal two long-standing family emotional challenges. Ellie’s Reiki work helped me heal a long-standing thyroid imbalance. We continue to work together -- she is a powerful channel for healing."
~ Carole Darraugh
"Her healings have been like magic and I believe she has a magical wand attached to her hand. When she waves it at you, you know something is happening. I have no doubt that she talks to spirits in the other realms as she was able to reveal to me information that she had no way of knowing without this communication. The planet has been gifted with the unique abilities to offer so many different modalities and to know which is right for her clients at which time."
~ Jaime Durand, Reiki Master, Practitioner of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing
Remote-Entity Removal-Leena 2024

Remote-Entity Removal-Leena 2024

#Demon & Earthbound Spirit Exorcised Remotely

#Demons removed from Jennifer, fiancé Keith & their home. @ThePhoenixRisingheal

Ellie Pechet Removes 2 Demons & Spirit Attachment from John's house.
The Story of David and the Crow
"Ellie is a gifted and extremely intuitive spiritual healer. I witnessed her profound work with my brother-in-law David, who felt like he was being haunted by an evil spirit for many years. These sessions took place long distance by phone. Ellie was in Massachusetts and David and I were in Washington State. I was present in the room to morally support David as he worked with Ellie.
From time to time, David would hear a voice coming through a live raven he would see perched in a tree and it always had the same message, which was that David should try to climb a tall tree. Although David was afraid of heights, he kept getting this message and eventually gave in. One day last spring, he climbed a tall tree near his house and fell from 35 feet above the ground, landing on his back and fracturing his spine. He lay there paralyzed and unable to move or get help for hours.
As a result of Ellie’s guidance and ability to speak directly with spirits who are earth-bound, she was able to piece together a remarkable story:
David had a Native American Spirit with him since he was about 4 years old, not realizing it. The spirit recognized him and attached himself to David to get revenge for suffering a cruel and humiliating death at David’s hands in a past life together (war between Indians and white settlers) David had shot this Indian 3 times, and he lay on the ground bleeding profusely and in tremendous pain. He pleaded for a warrior’s death, a humane bullet to his head. Instead, David rode away on his horse, laughing, leaving him to die slowly, and bleeding with flies swarming around him and birds pecking at his flesh. He died helplessly, in anguish and humiliation, vowing revenge at David for his arrogance and cruelty and for not giving him an honorable death.
In Ellie’s work with David, she dialogued with the Native American spirit, and then guided a conversation between David and the spirit. The spirit explained that his name was Raven and that he had been encouraging David to climb a tree, lose his footing, and fall so that he would know what felt like to be lying helpless, with no one around to help, wounded and unable to move, the way the Native American spirit had suffered.
The spirit had been a destructive emotional presence in David’s life since he was a toddler, greatly exacerbating David’s own tendencies toward ‘neuroses’, feelings of shame, humiliation, of not being good enough, anger, frustration, and doubting himself to the point of paralysis.
Ellie facilitated a dialogue between them centered on forgiveness of each other and letting go. David expressed tremendous remorse and compassion when he learned of his cruelty to this spirit in a past life. She then guided David to hold a pillow close to his body as he was lying on the sofa and asked the spirit to enter into the pillow energetically so that they could actually embrace. She checked with the spirit to make sure he was satisfied and felt complete with David and that David’s remorse was genuine. She then assisted the spirit in making the transition to the other side. I felt the Indian spirit leave and the energy in the room became much lighter as a result. This was an incredibly emotional and powerful healing experience, and David seemed much lighter and grounded at the same time, exuding a peacefulness that had been missing for a long time. It was an indelible experience and a tremendous privilege to see Ellie’s transformative powers at work."
~ Mary Stevens, Psychologist, Washington D.C.
Spirit Attachment Removal
"My first session with Ellie Pechet, she removed a Karmic spirit attachment. When it was gone, I immediately felt lighter and was able to get a lot more done at home. In subsequent session work with Ellie, she removed feelings of despair that had been with me for decades. In another session, she removed the hurt feelings I had carried for a very long time, associated with my Mother.
In a subsequent session, Ellie cleared the deep feelings of hurt I had about my sister and this was so powerful. Ellie guided me through another technique in which she had me unhook from my sister energetically and remove energetic hooks going from her to me. I felt so relieved after this process.
Since doing session work with Ellie, I no longer have the sad feelings that were perpetually pulling me down. I brought my husband in to see Ellie and she removed a spirit attachment that had been with him for a long time. He has seemed more loving and open since she cleared that spirit and did some additional clearing work with him.
Knowing that Ellie clears spirit attachments from homes and suspecting that there were some in and around my home, I had her come over and she removed 12 spirit attachments inside my home from cellar to attic and an additional 7 from the property. She then placed an emerald green protective shield around my property lines to prevent others from coming in. My home feels a lot clearer now. I can breathe more deeply and
I sleep a lot better at night."
~ Arnette Peccini
Past Life
"I understand so much more about why I have had to suffer for so long at the hands of family members, particularly my Father. During a session with Ellie, she dialogued with a spirit who said he was my son and I was his abusive father from a past life. Dialoging with this spirit, he told Ellie that he had been attached to me for 27 years and that he wanted me to know what it felt like to be abused. Now I understand why I have spent my life healing from being victimized and why as an adult, I choose to help others heal from their traumas in my work as a licensed psychotherapist.
I apologized to the spirit for hurting him so badly in that former life. He accepted my apology and agreed to have Ellie guide him to the other side. I felt an immediate lightness in my entire being when he left. Since that unhappy spirit left, I feel stronger. I feel that I can now more easily create the life I want without slugging through the old negativity and pain that had been so much a part of my life. I no longer feel guilty or victimized.
The cycle of being the abuser and the victim has been broken."
~ Molly McGuinness
Demons Removed
Dear Ellie
I still am processing that I had demons with me this summer. I mean I have moved on and functioning in my life but it lingers around me and in me in a sense the knowing of that other world and how it is. I can go long periods of time without thinking about it directly but I am aware it has been woven into my being the experience of the dark. I can't share or put into words ever with others. Almost inconceivable to me and I lived through it. You saved me. Not enough thank you's in the world. I hope you may feel my heart in this email trying to show you my gratitude. I don't know if I would be alive today if it wasn't for your work. I fully can't even comprehend what would have become of me. I cry tears of joy now as I write this. My heart to you. God Bless You Ellie,
Angel Reading
* Thank you for the fantastic Angel Reading. I have been looking over the notes you gave me. They are rich with great messages for me and they also provided some very solid guidance for me going forward. I especially appreciate the personal messages as well as the Guidance for my business challenges. I will be reviewing those notes on a regular basis and will do my best to put the Guidance from our session into effect. In fact, today, I followed the Guidance you gave me and WOW! I got the answers I needed within an hour. On a more intimate and personal note, I got a chill by the way you were able to physically describe my Mother who died and your ability to deliver a message that felt really genuine from her. It is comforting for me to know that
she is still here looking out for me."
~ Jim Della Volpe, Business Advisor/Executive Coach

If you are not where you want to be emotionally, physically or financially, contact me and let’s get to the root causes of your problems.
Using my Pechet Healing Technique, I will clear any issues you have at the deepest level possible so that you can live a joyful, abundant, healthy and happy life.
Warm regards,
Ellie Pechet, M.Ed., Master Healer,
Shaman, Medium, Author