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Integrity is about doing what's right when no one is watching

Animals need our help as much as humans. A lot is at stake and now more than ever, we need to make more effort to a) come into balance and b) maintain it as much as we can. Animals and people need our help. When we are balanced energetically and physically, we naturally make wiser decisions and are more likely to take action from a pro-active, rather than a reactive place.

How do we do this?

By creating the time and space to practice going within and linking up to our Higher Self and Source. Meditating (even for a few minutes), praying, setting intentions, truly healing past issues, journaling, eating more consciously and exercising are a few really good ways to increase balance and our feeling of connection.

We might not be able to “fix” a lot of the problems in the world, but we can do our part to contribute to the solution, both short and long term.

Every time we do a good deed, (no matter how small or large!) it impacts the collective (all living beings) in a positive way. Rather than becoming immobilized because we feel helpless or hopeless, we can make the commitment to do the right thing at the right time, when the opportunity to help arises, whatever it is and however "inconvenient" it may be.

I love this quote by Martin Luther King:

“Never, ever be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our Soul when we look the other way.”

My Work Is Expanding: Although I mostly work with human clients, my work has been expanding to include working remotely with groups of animals in the wild who need my help. Below are just a few examples of animals I have been helping in recent years:

How You Can Help: If you feel so inclined to help support my work with wildlife, I would really appreciate it

You can donate now by clicking on this link:

Example1, N.C.: A couple of years ago, while living in North Carolina, I came upon a situation in which I witnessed a dog and her puppies being physically abused by their owner/breeder.

I was horrified by what I saw that day and tried to engage the neighbors (some of whom also had dogs), assuming they would want to help the dog and her puppies who were in a terrible situation. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. They let me know it was more important for them to have the convenience of being able to call on the person inflicting the abuse who happened to be a builder, (as well as a hunter and an alcoholic) in case they needed a new boiler etc. for their house.

I knew then and there that I was on my own, and that I had to help the dog and her puppies. I knew it was the right thing to do on every level, including Spiritual. I was willing to do whatever I could to help and spent countless hours working remotely from my house doing healings on the dog and her puppies as well as the hunter, his wife, clearing their property of negative energies... One of the most important issues that came up to be cleared was the breeder’s addiction to abusing animals, something I intuited he had been doing since he was a young boy. I recognized this huge project as an assignment from Spirit and said YES.

I was able to stop Roger's practice of abusing dogs and was eventually able to stop the cycle of him breeding dogs to hunt bears (an especially cruel practice for bears. The dogs chase bears, running them until they are exhausted, run up a tree to try to get away, then the hunter shows up and shoots them)

Although I didn't get compensation for this work and it was stressful - exhausting at times, on a Soul level, I knew it was the right thing to do and needed to be done. I stepped up and helped the situation and many beings, both animal and human.

Feeding Our Soul...When we are willing to help make a positive difference for another person or animal, especially when it seems "inconvenient", not only are they benefitting from our care and intention, we are as MLK said, feeding our Soul. I believe that when we eventually make our transition, our good deeds and acts of kindness come with us.

If we choose to live our lives in integrity and let the (real) powers that be know that we are willing to help where, when and however we can, we will be shown what person, animal, or group of animals needs help and how we can help.

Recent example 2; Right Whale Derecha: A few months ago, my eye was drawn to a newspaper while I was at a Walgreens ordering a few photo prints. On the front page was a picture of a whale and her calf who had been seriously wounded by a boat off the coast of Georgia. I felt drawn in to read the article and later recognized that Spirit was drawing my attention to this situation so I could work with the injured calf and her mother. I knew it was a matter of life and death as I worked with the calf - her mouth had sustained a deep gash and was affecting her ability to nurse. I did several healings on the calf focusing on healing her head trauma initially and then residual pain.

I also worked with her mother, named Derecha which means 'Right' in Spanish because of the markings on the right side of her head. When I tuned in to her, I knew she was feeling unsupported and traumatized by what happened to her infant daughter. That was the first remote healing session I did on her. She was also concerned about the future and I cleared that issue for her in a subsequent session. From what I understand working with Spirit, the mother & daughter whale pair are doing much better. I am so glad I was able to help them as work like this feeds my Soul.

I can work with any person, animal or group remotely. Spirit knows this and utilizes my abilities, bringing my attention to whoever needs my help the most at any given time.

How You Can Help: If you feel so inclined to help support my work with wildlife, I would really appreciate it!

You can donate now by clicking on this link:

Recent example 3, Australia: At the beginning of this year, I was Guided to work with the animals affected by the horrific fires in Australia. I also went there during my sleep state in addition to using my technique during the day when not working with private clients. I did collective healing sessions on many of the animals there. Remote Viewing: During one remote healing session, I was touched to see many angels also there, helping those who were injured and helping those who needed to transition because their injuries were too severe.

Recent example 4, Blackbird Family, MA: Earlier this summer, my next door neighbor brought over a black bird who had gotten injured. I stopped what I was doing and worked on the bird who had hurt her shoulder joint and was not flying. As a result of my healing, she recovered and I soon realized she is one of the parents of a family of black birds who had babies in their nest in the house next door. Now, about 4 weeks later, the youngsters are adolescents and all are doing well. I put out dried worms to help their diet and enjoy seeing them gathering and growing. Was it in my plans for that day? No, but I was glad to help, especially when I realized that she had dependents counting on her and her mate to feed them. My intuition is she got over tired flying back and forth finding and bringing food and cut it a little too close to a part of the house on her way back. It wasn't convenient, but it was the right thing to do when I was given the opportunity to help and it fed my soul.

Current, urgent wildlife project : July 2020

As many of you know, there has been a huge push by the Trump White House to open up the wildlife refuges in Alaska for hunting. Pushed by Secretary Zinke and his trophy hunting sons Trump gave his ok. The basic rollback includes allowing hunting in the preserves but most hideously has removed the wildlife protective regulations put in place by the Obama Administration in 2015.

Under the 2015 laws we have safety for bears in their dens:

Watch this (sweet!) video of bears in the safety of their dens here:

If the new version of the regulation rollback passes, the following will become legal: “Taking any black bear, including cubs and sows with cubs using artificial light at den sites; harvesting brown bears over bait; taking wolves and coyotes (including pups) during denning season (between May 1 and August 9); taking swimming caribou ; taking caribou from motorboats under power; taking black bears over bait; and using dogs to hunt black bears.” Effective date is July 9, 2020.

Please do what you can to draw attention to this issue; post on Facebook, email your friends and call on our legislators to do the same. This bill recently passed July 9.

MY PART: I started working remotely on the situation in Alaska in recently when a friend and colleague called my attention to it. I did some remote work with several of the individuals involved in trying to push this reversal through.

July 14 UPDATE: Although the bill went into effect July 9. I did extensive work telepathically with the following groups of animals on the preserves in Alaska:

- Black and Grisly Bears

- Wolves, Coyotes, Foxes

- Caribou on land and especially those who are swimming.

I telepathically warned all of these animals on the preserves in Alaska, working with one group at a time and put them on high alert, letting them know that the protections they had been given were being taken away (Trump signed an executive order to reverse protections and re-introduce cruel hunting practices as a result of his 2 trophy hunter sons convincing him to do this).

One of my main focuses while working with each group of animals who would be effected while using my Pechet Healing Technique was I made them all much less easy for hunters (and hunting dogs) to find.

We can all be a part of the solution if we so choose. Let’s choose to do the right thing when the opportunity presents itself.

How You Can Help: If you feel so inclined to help support my work with wildlife, I would really appreciate it.

You can donate now by clicking on this link: Go fund me - work with animals

And if you are experiencing stress, anxiety or depression as a result of the coronavirus or anything call now to set up a session(s) for yourself or a loved one: 508-237-4929 or sign up here: Sessions


Ellie Pechet, M.Ed, Metaphysician, Shaman, Medium, Author


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